DTR PAC Newsletter

New Hampshire Battleground State

New Hampshire presents the America First movement the very real possibility of having a clean sweep of the state’s three federal races on November 8th. All three candidates for federal office are facing Democratic incumbents, all three are America First Republicans, and all three Republicans can really win.

Michigan Battleground State

Four of Michigan’s 13 Congressional districts are considered competitive. All these candidates can win and help secure a Republican majority in the House – if enough America First voters show up at the polls. High Voter Turnout is the key to winning this election.

Texas Battleground State

Three South Texas Congressional districts are now swing districts as Democratic support in the region has been declining in recent years.

Consider a contribution to DefendingtheRepublicPAC.com/donate so that in the 2022 elections, we can support those fearless freedom-fighting candidates that put America, the Constitution and the Rule of Law first.