November 29, 2022
Floyd Brown of The Western Journal lays out an action plan for citizens of Arizona:
Does Kari Lake still have a path to victory? What can I do to help?
As a citizen, you can take three specific actions that will help, and that you are empowered to take.
First, you should contact the Arizona attorney general’s office of voter integrity to say thank you for speaking up for us. Thank you for asking the tough questions. And please keep at it until you know the answers — and vindicate our voting rights in Maricopa.
Next, if you have specific claims or actions, you can file an affidavit with attorneys working on vindicating your rights. The best place to file an affidavit ishere.
Finally, I would ask you to contact the Republican National Committee. Its phone number is (202) 863-8500. The RNC initially said it would fund the litigation against Maricopa County and pay the lawyers working the case. Then word came down from Washington, and the office of RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel, to stand down. They left the Arizona candidates and voters on the field to bleed out while they went back to D.C
Arizona Isn’t Over: On Tuesday, Nov. 28th, Cochise County, Arizona voted 2-1 not to certify the general election results.
The Cochise County Board of Supervisors voted Monday to table the certification of the Nov. 8 election results until a future meeting. The delay sets up what has been termed a game of chicken between Republicans and Democrats, with Republicans wanting to hear about problems with election machines, but with the Democrats saying that delaying certification will risk excluding the Cochise County votes from the general election results. Most election integrity advocates view the delay and the increased attention on machine problems as a step forward toward getting hand-marked, hand-counted paper ballots:
“The two Republican county supervisors delayed the canvass vote until Friday, when they want to hear once more about concerns over the certification of ballot tabulators, though election officials have repeatedly said the equipment is properly approved.
State Elections Director Kori Lorick wrote in a letter last week that Hobbs is required by law to approve the statewide canvass by next week and will have to exclude Cochise County’s votes if they aren’t received in time.
That would threaten to flip the victor in at least two close races — a U.S. House seat and state schools chief — from a Republican to a Democrat.
Hobbs’ lawsuit asks the Cochise County Superior Court to order officials to certify by Thursday. Failing to certify would undermine the will of the county’s voters “and sow further confusion and doubt about the integrity of Arizona’s election system,” lawyers for Hobbs wrote.
The Georgia Run-off election for U.S. Senate is December 6th.
Early voting started Saturday, November 26. We need to secure a victory to hold the Senate to a 50/50 even split. The difference between 51/49 Senate split (if Raphael Warnock wins) or a 50/50 split (if Herschel Walker wins) is considerable. Every eligible Georgia voter needs to vote in the runoff election — high voter turnout for Herschel Walker is critical.
Your vote for Herschel Walker makes a difference for Georgia’s families.
Herschel Walker is pro-life. He supports parental rights, job creation in Georgia, fighting inflation, a strong economy, and securing the border.
Electing Herschel Walker to the Senate is an all-hands-on-deck effort. Neighboring South Carolina GOP is helping in the effort. The South Carolina GOP will set up citizens to make phone calls from home for Herschel Walker. The SC GOP will also help set people up for door knocking and poll watchers.
Sign up here:https://sc.gop/
Washington Third Congressional District
The final vote count shows Joe Kent unexpectedly losing his race by less than a 1% margin. In Washington State, elections results that are within 0.5% trigger an automatic recount paid for by the state.
If Joe Kent’s race isn’t within the 0.5%, and it looks like it isn’t, his campaign can request a recount, but the campaign has to pay for it.
Joe Kent has said he is not conceding in his close race without first exhausting every option to ascertain if the election results are accurate:
“…ballot counts were unrolling too slowly and muddied by “a bunch of non-answers” from election officials.
“We’re also gearing up for a legal fight,” Kent told Bannon earlier this week.
The nature and extent of Kent’s approach to ensure the election’s accuracy is unknown at this point, other than seeking a recount.
Days after Kent’s appearance on Bannon’s program, Kent wrote how he would view the election results once they are confirmed.
“As I said on the campaign trail, I will accept the eventual outcome of this election as determined by the Secretary of State, and my campaign will continue to work to ensure that the final count is as accurate as possible,” his statement concluded.
More Election News
The extent of printer and tabulator malfunctions on Election Day in Arizona’s Maricopa County was much more widespread than reported, according to Rasmussen Reports.
The polling company revealed on Thursday that 48% of all election centers across Arizona’s most populated county had issues with ballot printers and tabulation machines. County election officials had initially reported that 20% of printers and tabulators malfunctioned during in-person voting on Nov. 8.
Among the most troubling issues raised in the letter the letterdirected to Thomas Liddy with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office was the apparent co-mingling of ballots in black duffle bags in at least one polling location, which were successfully run through the on-site tabulators with those put in “Door 3” to be sent to the Election Department’s downtown Phoenix tabulation center because they could not be read.
As Dobbs itself suggests, defensive victories delivered by the federal judiciary aren’t going to reverse what has been, with few setbacks, a relentless, decades-long march by the left through every institution of American life. Anyone who tells you things aren’t that bad because we happen to have five mostly reliable Supreme Court justices is either delusional or quietly willing to acquiesce to leftist tyranny.
Most voters believe cheating may have influenced this year’s elections, and think voting by mail makes it easier to cheat.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is likely that the outcome of some elections this year will be affected by cheating, including 30% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty percent don’t think election outcomes this year are likely to be affected by cheating, including 18% who say it’s Not at All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)