August 19, 2024
Election Integrity Action Item—Why Isn’t the RNC Waging A More Vigorous Legal Battle Against the Corrupt Voter Rolls in Key Swing States??
Michigan’s Voter Rolls, Corrupted by AVR (Automatic Voter Registration), Must Be Challenged Now, Not Later!
DTR PAC wrote about AVR (Automatic Voter Registration) last fall (here). By automatically registering people who are ineligible to vote or who have no intention of voting, the state voter rolls swell and are ripe for fraud.
The RNC has not fought hard enough to counter the corrupt voter rolls resulting from AVR, even though almost every state that has implemented AVR went for Biden in 2020.
Seth Keshel lays out the alarming statistics demonstrating that AVR does indeed result in bloated voter rolls that exceed population parameters, and which facilitate wholesale vote fraud. Of the three Great Lakes Swing States, Michigan has had AVR since 2018, Pennsylvania since September 2023 — by ‘executive fiat’, and Wisconsin does not have AVR.
Compare the three states’ voter roll sizes:
83.5% of Michigan’s population is registered to vote, yet, on average, only about 75% of a state’s population is eligible to vote due to age, citizenship, etc.
68.1% of Pennsylvania’s population is registered to vote, but the percent is trending upwards the longer AVR is in force.
58.5% of Wisconsin’s population is registered to vote, consistent with other states that do not have AVR.
Fact: the more low propensity voters who are registered to vote, the more votes are available to be stolen.
The RNC does not appear to recognize the insurmountable threat AVR presents to winning key swing states.
Action Item: RNC leaders have been sent Seth Keshel’s excellent but alarming analysis of Michigan’s statistically implausible voter rolls, including one Michigan county with over 100% voter registration.
Write a short email to the RNC and Trump campaign leaders asking them to immediately address the issue of AVR and the dirty voter rolls, especially in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
We have all seen through Sidney Powell’s experiences, that relying on the Michigan Courts to remedy fraud after the fact is a losing strategy. Election fraud must be stopped before it occurs.
These are the people Seth Keshel recommends you contact:
- RNC Chairman Michael Whatley: mwhatley@gop.com / On X and Truth Social: @ChairmanWhatley
- Christina Norton – Election Integrity Director, RNC cnorton@gop.com / On X: @christinanortn
- Feel free to also contact Lara Trump via X: @LaraLeaTrump
- Trump Campaign Senior Advisor Corey Lewandowski: On X: @CLewandowski_
- President Trump’s son Don Trump, Jr. / on X and Truth Social: @DonaldJTrumpJr
- You can also send a message via the ‘Contact Us page on the GOP website: https://www.gop.com/contact-us/
Sample message:
The RNC needs to take action now to address the corrupt voter rolls, especially the states with Automatic Voter Registration, and most especially Michigan and Pennsylvania. This should be a top priority.
Pleased refer to Seth Keshel’s excellent but alarming analysis of the corrupt state of the Michigan voter rolls. The RNC and the Trump Campaign need to mobilize now to counter vote fraud before it happens. Fighting vote fraud after the fact, as we saw in 2020, is too late.
AVR (Automatic Voter Registration) is the means by which the voter rolls are inflated so that fraudulent votes can be generated, as they have been inflated in Michigan and are now being inflated in Pennsylvania. The RNC needs to take more aggressive action to expose to the public, and object in the courts and legislatures, the corrupt state of our voter rolls in key swing states, especially Michigan.
Cleaning the corrupt voter rolls is one the most necessary and effective ways to Stop the Steal. Only if AVR in Michigan and Pennsylvania is cleaned up can Trump & the Republican Party achieve a victory in 2024 that is Too Big to Rig.

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And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
-Star Spangled Banner
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