If ERIC Is So Popular, Why Do Dems Have To Force States To Join?
As The Federalist previously reported and communication records have shown, CEIR enjoys a transactional relationship with ERIC, which submits the voter-roll data it receives from states to CEIR. Upon receiving this information, CEIR curates “targeted mailing lists and sends them back to the states to use for voter registration outreach.” In other words, CEIR — an organization engaged in highly partisan, left-wing activism — is developing lists of potential (and likely Democrat) voters for states to register in the lead-up to major elections.

HUGE! Dem SOS Sued For Violating Minnesota Law When He Gave “Highly Sensitive Personal Information” of Adults and Minors To ERIC | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray
In 2014, the Minnesota legislature authorized the Secretary to enter into an agreement to share data from the statewide voter registration and data from the motor vehicle agency “in order to maintain voter registration records.” However, the private data disclosed far exceeds even what was authorized by the legislature.

WI Republicans Introduce Measures To Ban ERIC, ‘Zuckbucks’
According to a Thursday press release, Bodden and Republican Sen. Duey Stroebel’s new legislation would effectively withdraw Wisconsin from the multi-state organization, which Bodden claimed “has not been forthcoming about voter data security or their dealings with third parties.”
“The voter rolls are not cleaned up like they are supposed to be and the lack of transparency is deeply concerning,” he added.
As indicated by Bodden, ERIC enjoys an active relationship with CEIR, one of the left-wing nonprofits that poured hundreds of millions of “Zuckbucks” into local election offices leading up to the 2020 election. In its relationship with CEIR, ERIC transmits the voter-roll data it receives from states to the organization.
Upon receiving this data, CEIR then creates “targeted mailing lists and sends them back to the states to use for voter registration outreach.” This process essentially allows CEIR — a partisan nonprofit with a history of left-wing activism — to craft lists of eligible but unregistered (and likely Democrat) voters for states to register ahead of elections.

Court: Alaska Must Forfeit Data From Leftist-Tied Voter-Roll Group
“This is a landmark victory to knock down ERIC’s wall of secrecy,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “I want to thank the Alaska Attorney General, Treg Taylor, for his commitment to transparent elections. All other ERIC member states should take notice that the public has a right to inspect ERIC records.”
Secrecy is just one area of concern when it comes to the Becker-founded organization, however. As The Federalist and others have reported, ERIC enjoys an active relationship with the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), another Becker-founded group notorious for its interference in the 2020 election.

This Federalist article spells out the major problems with ERIC including how Democrats can take advantage of ERIC’s database. Read this to understand why every state should withdraw from ERIC.
“…If ERIC were truly a voter list maintenance organization, then member states would be required to clean their voter rolls. Except it’s not required as a condition of membership. What is required, however, is sending voter registration mailers to eligible residents that ERIC hand-selects…”

Virginia joins Republican states pulling out of multi-state voter list program – Virginia Mercury DTR PAC
Virginia Elections Commissioner Susan Beals said the state would no longer participate in the data-sharing program despite being one of seven founding states in 2012.
Beals listed a variety of reasons, including increased uncertainty and the declining participation of other Republican-led states, concerns about the “confidentiality of voter information” and “controversy surrounding the historical sharing of data with outside organizations leveraged for political purposes.”
“In short, ERIC’s mandate has expanded beyond that of its initial intent – to improve the accuracy of voter rolls,” Beals wrote.

Here’s A Look Into Popular Voter Database ERIC’s Left-Wing Origins | The Federalist
If ERIC were truly a voter list maintenance organization, then member states would be required to clean their voter rolls. Except it’s not required as a condition of membership. What is required, however, is sending voter registration mailers to eligible residents that ERIC hand-selects.
And which “eligible but unregistered” residents is ERIC wanting states to reach out to? What Democrats coin the “New American Majority,” or young people, minorities, single women, and LGBT individuals….
By targeting these specific demographics, Becker ensures leftists make significant inroads within the electorate, as most of these voters lean heavily Democratic.

ERIC Investigation, Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

ERIC Investigation, Part 3: Soros Open Society and the Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-Up Operation | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
In 2020 Judicial Watch found 29 states had huge registration excesses. In 8 states, if you combined all counties, their average registration for the entire State exceeded 100%. Seven of the 8 are long time members of ERIC (Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Vermont). In fact, Wyman’s own Washington had 14 of 39 counties exceeding 100%. Colorado, a huge proponent and also 8 year member of ERIC, had 40 of 64 countiesexceeding 100%. They were sued by Judicial Watch for this election fraud.