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October 13, 2024

Trump Knows The Democrats’ Last Ditch Effort to Block Him From The White House Is To Invoke The Insurrection Clause

Trump needs us all to turn out and vote Republican in every race — even for less than perfect Republicans

Many political pundits have been baffled with Trump‘s recent schedule of campaign appearances in Democrat stronghold states, states like Colorado, Illinois, California and New York. None of these states except Colorado has even voted for a Republican presidential nominee in the last 20 years, so why, with only a few short weeks ago before Election Day, is Trump not concentrating on the swing states?

“Trump has scheduled events in Colorado, California, Illinois, and New York… This unconventional approach comes as the race is expected to be decided in swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan, where polling shows a tight contest between Trump and Harris.”

Of course, as some have pointed out, there are close congressional races which Republicans could win in these states. However, the strategy at play is likely more than only strengthening Republican control of the House for the sake of future legislative victories. Trump is well aware that Democrat Congressman Jeremy Raskin (lead impeachment manager for the second Trump impeachment) and other radical Democrats have threatened to refuse to certify the 2025 presidential election if Donald Trump wins. Raskin has hinted he will invoke the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment and disqualify Trump.

Raskin is communicating that the Democrats’ last ditch effort to block Trump from the White House is to invoke the insurrection clause to disqualify Trump from serving. If the Republicans had very slim margins in the House and Senate, would some turncoat Republicans join with the Democrats?  If, on the other hand, Republicans have a comfortable majority in the House — if voting against party leadership has no upsides, only downsides and GOP retribution, then ‘moderate’ Republicans won’t stray from the party line vote. A robust GOP majority makes for a more peaceful transition of power.

This possibility, invoking the 14th Amendment to disqualify President Trump, while remote, cannot be discounted. It illustrates why it is so very important for the MAGA movement to vote Republican up and down the ticket, even for imperfect candidates.

Vote Republican for President Trump, for the Senate and the House in Congress, and for all your state and local races — yes, even for uni-party Republicans.  Slowly, the MAGA movement is gaining ground in transforming the establishment-aligned Republican party into an America First Republican Party. In the meantime, we need every vote for a Republican majority.

Below are some the close California Congressional races that President Trump and the RNC want to push over the top as shown by Trump’s huge rally Saturday at Coachella in southern California.

Note: some of these Republican candidates are Not MAGA Republicans. But their reelection is necessary for Republicans to keep control of the House and the chairmanships of important Congressional committees, which President Trump will need to be more effective in his next term.

13rd District: a rematch of Republican incumbent John Duarte who narrowly defeated Democrat Adam Gray in 2022.
22nd District: a rematch between incumbent Republican David Valadeo (whom Kevin McCarthy convinced Trump to back in 2022) and Democrat Rudy Salas.
27th District: Republican incumbent and Trump-supporter Mike Garcia versus Democrat George Whitesides in an especially close race.
41st District: a rematch between Republican incumbent Ken Calvert and Democrat Will Rollins. A very tight race.
45th District: Republican incumbent Michelle Steel versus Democrat Derek Tran. This is also an especially tight race.
47th District: Republican Scott Baugh is facing Democrat Dave Min in the open seat vacated by Democrat Katie Porter. Baugh came close to defeating Porter in 2022. The district includes Orange County and Irvine, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, and Seal Beach.

All of the above races are Republican incumbents except for 47th district. The 47th district seat in California is a Republican pickup target in 2024.




“Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

-Star Spangled Banner 


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