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April 19, 2024

Pennsylvania’s April 23rd Primary: the calm before the storm. California Action Item!


Neither the Republican or the Democratic party has a contested U.S. Senate primary race ahead of the general election.

Pennsylvania’s primary is next Tuesday, April 23

Next Tuesday evening, election results will be coming in from the Pennsylvania primary election. While many of the most hotly contested elections in 2020 and 2022 were in Pennsylvania, the 2024 primaries are relatively quiet contests. In the November general election, however, Pennsylvania will once again feature titanic election clashes: the Presidential contest, the U.S. Senate race to defeat Sen. Bob Casey, and at least three swing Congressional seats targeted by both political parties.

Here are the Pennsylvania swing Congressional seats that both parties are targeting in November. Spread the word to your family, friends, and civic and church groups that Pennsylvania could not only secure President Trump’s election, but also Republican control of Congress.

Pennsylvania CD-01: Mark Houck(R) is challenging incumbent Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick in this swing district. Mark Houck is well-known as the pro-life father of seven who was arrested in an early morning FBI raid and later acquitted of all charges. Houck is waging a low-budget grassroots campaign against a very well-funded Republican incumbent, Brian Fitzpatrick.  Fitzpatrick, a former FBI agent, is known as one of the most reliable RINO votes in the House. For instance, Fitzpatrick just voted against Andy Biggs’ amendment to require the government to get a warrant to spy on American citizens. Nevertheless, Fitzpatrick has had no trouble beating more conservative Republican primary challengers in this swing district, and he is unlikely to lose to Houck. In the November general election Fitzpatrick will face a much tougher race against Democrat Ashley Ehasz, a West Point graduate and former Apache helicopter pilot.

PA CD-07: This is a three-way Republican primary to challenge Democratic incumbent Susan Wild. All three candidates are credible, espouse an America First platform, and publicly support Donald Trump. At his Pennsylvania rally last week, Trump wisely declined to endorse any one candidate over the other two.  Obviously, whichever candidate wins the Republican primary will mount a competitive MAGA challenge to Susan Wild.

These are the three Republican candidates:

Kevin Dellicker, businessman, placed a close second in the 2022 Republican primary.

Ryan Mackenzie, state legislator, Harvard MBA –preferred by many in the DC business class.

Maria Montero, identifies election integrity as a top issue; parents are Peruvian immigrants. Montero says openly that the decline of America’s strong moral values is a major problem.

PA-08: Rob Bresnahan is a local business leader who expanded his family’s electrical contracting business. His campaign focuses on job creation for American workers. Bresnahan has an uncontested Republican primary to challenge vulnerable Democratic incumbent Matt Cartwright.  Like CD-07, this is considered to be one of the closest swing districts in the country.

PA-10: Scott Perry has an uncontested Republican primary. In the Democrat primary, however, there are six candidates running. Whichever candidate wins a plurality of the vote in this crowded primary field can expect to receive maximum funding and support from the Democratic Party in order to defeat stalwart, MAGA conservative Scott Perry.

Congressman Scott Perry is the former Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. Perry supported President Trump’s efforts to investigate election fraud before certifying the 2020 election results. Democrats hoped to defeat him in 2022, but Perry won by 7% of the vote. High Republican voter turnout will be critical for Scott Perry in 2024.

This Scott Perry clip on the FISA vote shows why we need to reelect Scott Perry this fall:

California Election Integrity Action —Get activated and meet other patriots!

Dr. Douglas Frank is speaking on ‘7 Steps to Election to  Integrity’ in California this week. 

4/22  9am in Tustin, Orange County Southern CA
4/23 10 am in Palm Desert, Southern CA
4/24 6pm in Rancho Cucamonga, Southern CA
4/25 6:30pm in Kingsburg (near Fresno) Central CA






“Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

-Star Spangled Banner 


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