November 8, 2022
There’s good reason for America First voters to be optimistic about the election based on the
late-breaking polls, but also to be concerned about the integrity of our elections. We can turn our optimism into victory, however, and overwhelm any election fraud with huge voter turnout.
Because high voter turnout can overcome election fraud.
So, plan to vote early, in-person, on Election Day! Save our Constitutional Republic! Encourage all your like-minded family and friends to make sure they vote on Election Day.
Ask people to vote. Encouraging them to vote really does make a difference.
The nation’s eyes are on Pennsylvania’s elections this November 8th. The Senate race between Mehmet “Dr.” Oz (R) and Bruce Fetterman (D) could tip control of the U.S. Senate. (Incumbent Senator Pat Toomey (R) is not seeking re-election.) Republicans need to hold this Senate seat if they are going to win majority control in the Senate.
Beside Congress, there are elections for state offices including a competitive and critically important race for governor.
It is important to remember that even if the candidates on your local ballot are not the perfect Republican candidates, you should still vote for them and urge your friends to vote for them. To halt the march of socialism and save America, Republicans must take majority control of the U.S. House and Senate. Every vote you cast for a less-than-perfect Republican in your district is a vote for an America First Republican to have the power that comes with being a member of the majority party in Congress.
DTR PAC does not endorse in state races.
U.S. Senate Race: Mehmet “Dr.” Oz
These 3 seats are key swing Congressional seats in Pennsylvania that Republicans could win if voters turn out to form a Red Wave:
Pennsylvania District 7: Lisa Scheller (R)
Pennsylvania District 8: Jim Bognet (R)
Pennsylvania District 17: Jeremy Shaffer (R)
Pennsylvania District 7: Lisa Scheller
Lisa Scheller is a pro-life, fiscal conservative who worked to promote family values, lower taxes, limit spending, create jobs and end special interest giveaways.
The granddaughter of immigrants, Scheller is an engineer and the CEO of Silberline Manufacturing Co., the company they founded. The company – which makes a key ingredient in paints and coatings that’s sent to 87 different countries – is the only woman-owned business of its type in the world. Scheller says, “I have lived the American Dream, and I want to protect that American Dream for future generations.”
As a young adult, Scheller struggled with heroin addiction. After entering recovery at age 22, she got her life on track and never forgot the power of reaching out to help others. Today, Scheller has been clean and sober for 40 years and her non-profit, Hope & Coffee, strives to support and normalize recovery from addictions.
Pennsylvania District 8: Jim Bognet
Jim Bognet is the founder and owner of JRB Strategies, a consultant company. Jim Bognet has been a dedicated supporter of pro-life causes and served in the Trump Administration where he worked to help American businesses create manufacturing jobs and rebuild America’s industrial heartland. “I have spent my career focused on getting government out of the way to allow small businesses to thrive and create good jobs with good wages for all Pennsylvanians.” If we are going to correct course as a nation then we need to end the wasteful spending on socialist agenda items, rebuild our domestic energy production (starting right here in Pennsylvania), and get government out of the way so you can pursue the American Dream for yourself and your family.”
Jim Bognet has strong words about the border crisis, saving jobs in NEPA, and combating crime. “There is a crisis at our southern border. We need to end illegal immigration and clean up Biden’s weak border policies which have resulted in a flood of illegal immigrants. The crisis has gotten so out of control that Joe Biden and Matt Cartwright allow ghost flights packed with illegal immigrants to fly into Wilkes-Barre/Scranton airport in the middle of the night. We recently found out that Biden plans to bring unvetted Afghan refugees to rural Pennsylvania. We don’t know who these people are or what their criminal records are. Just like with the Ghost Flights of illegals, Biden and Cartwright refuse to disclose what is going on, answer questions from the public, or coordinate with local law enforcement.”
Pennsylvania District 17: Jeremy Shaffer
Shaffer is conservative, pro-life, a husband and father of five children. Shaffer is an engineer, who at the time of the 2022 elections was an executive at Bentley Systems, an infrastructure engineering software company. He holds a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon. His previous work experience includes co-founding a software company that provided inspection management services for bridges and roads.
Shaffer says he ran for Congress because “Politics has become a blood-sport in which our country and average Americans are the losers. We desperately need leaders who will work together and make the tough decisions to put America back on track.”