November 8, 2022
There’s good reason for America First voters to be optimistic about the election based on the late-breaking polls, but also to be concerned about the integrity of our elections. We can turn our optimism into victory, however, and overwhelm any election fraud with huge voter turnout.
Because high voter turnout can overcome election fraud.
Plan to vote early, in-person, on Election Day! Save our Constitutional Republic!
Encourage all your like-minded family and friends to make sure they vote on Election Day. Asking people to vote really does make a difference.
While Michigan does not have a U.S. Senate race on the ballot this year, it does have elections for state office including a competitive race for governor.
DTR PAC does not endorse in state races.
It is important to remember that even if the candidates on your local ballot aren’t the perfect Republican candidates, you should still vote for them and urge your friends to vote for them. In order to halt the march of socialism and save America, Republicans must take majority control of the U.S. House and Senate. Every vote you cast for a less-than-perfect Republican in your district is a vote for an America First Republican to have the power that comes from being a member of the majority party in Congress.
Four of Michigan’s 13 Congressional districts are considered competitive. All these candidates can win and help secure a Republican majority in the House – if enough America First voters show up at the polls. High Voter Turnout is the key to winning this election.
District 3: John Gibbs (R)
District 7: Tom Barrett (R)
District 8: Paul Junge (R)
District 10: John James (R)
Michigan District 3: John Gibbs
John Gibbs is an America First candidate endorsed by President Trump.
John Gibbs has more than 20 years of experience in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, John served in the President Trump administration at HUD under Secretary Ben Carson, where he oversaw an annual budget of $8 billion to help fight homelessness and expand economic opportunity.
John Gibbs holds degrees from Stanford University and Harvard University. Before government service, John Gibbs worked as a software developer in Silicon Valley on cybersecurity products at Symantec, and on the first version of the iPhone at Apple. John Gibbs is fluent in Japanese and served in Christian missions in Japan.
John Gibbs was appointed by President Trump to the 1776 Commission to help in the fight to aggressively terminate racist, hateful, or extremist ideologies which rightly violate the sensibilities and values of American parents, such as Critical Race Theory. John Gibbs will continue the fight if elected to Congress.
John Gibbs supports the U.S. Constitution, pro-life, our Second Amendment rights, less government regulation, strong borders, and a strong military.
With only a few days left in the campaign, John Gibbs says he has the momentum. His opponent is trying to portray herself as a moderate Democrat, but Gibbs says voters know that isn’t true. Even Democrat voters can see that the election is no longer a contest between Democrat and Republican policies but a choice between destructive, left wing progressive policies advanced by Nancy Pelosi and ‘normal’ policies aimed at lower energy costs and lower crime rates advanced by the Republicans.
Michigan District 7: Tom Barrett
State Senator Tom Barrett served in the United States Army for the past 22 years with deployments around the world, and has logged over 1,000 hours as a helicopter pilot. Tom and his wife, Ashley, live in Charlotte where they are raising their four children.
“Inflation is at a 40 year high and hurting working families. I am running to cut inflation by opposing reckless spending in Washington D.C. to lower the cost of living.
“Make America energy independent again. Gas prices are at record highs and Americans are feeling the pain at the pump. I will work to expand America’s energy production, open pipelines, increase drilling, and end our reliance on foreign oil.”
“We need to secure the border, stop the flow of fentanyl, and increase public safety by supporting law enforcement and our rule of law.”
Tom Barrett
Michigan District 8: Paul Junge
Junge is a former prosecutor and news anchor who worked in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (Dept. of Homeland Security) under former President Donald Trump.
Paul Junge says in Congress he will:
-Support our families and a strong economy by opposing tax increases, stopping costly liberal regulations, and cutting wasteful spending to move toward a balanced budget.
-Defend our citizens and sovereignty by banning sanctuary cities and securing our border to stop illegal immigration.
-Secure our elections by stopping liberal efforts to eliminate voter identification laws.
-Serve as a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment conservative leader.
Paul Junge is running against incumbent Dan Kildee who has voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time.
Issues | Paul Junge for Congress
Michigan District 10: John James
James graduated from West Point and spent eight years in the Army as a Ranger-qualified aviation officer, serving with distinction in Operation Iraqi Freedom. After his military service, James grew his family business from $35 million in revenue to $137 million and created 100 jobs in the United States. He earned an MBA from the University of Michigan.
“Everything costs more and our communities are less safe because politicians and power brokers have put self before service at our expense. And we deserve the politicians we have until we decide we deserve better. I didn’t fight for Republicans and Democrats in Washington in combat. I fought for Americans.” – John James